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Footloose Program Ads

Personal ads are a great way for family and friends to show support for their Seton/Elder musical students for all to see in the program!


  • FULL PAGE - $125 (5.5” x 7.5”)
    • 1 large photo or collage
    • Message of your choice
  • HALF PAGE - $50 (5.5” x 3.75”)
    • 1 medium photo
    • 10-30 word message
  • QUARTER PAGE - $30 (5.5” x 1.8”)
    • 1 small photo
    • 10-20 word message


During payment, you will be asked to submit the following information online:  Ad size, student’s name, message, purchaser’s name and phone number.

Important: Please email your photo to Donna Kohler at (Full page ads may submit a photo collage or a pre-designed ad.)

Ad information and payment are due by March 26.