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Daily Announcements

Today is a 3-bell day with a 1:46 assembly. The rest of the week: 4 – 3 with a 2:15 dismissal- 4 – 7

NHS will meet briefly during assembly time today. Members should come to the auditorium and quickly find their assigned seat for the induction ceremony. Please email Dr. Metz if you have questions. Thanks!

Tech Club and Eco Club will be meeting both tomorrow (3/11) before school and Thursday (3/13) after school in Mrs. Meese’s room! We will be working on an EcoAnalytics Competition. All are welcome to one or both of the meetings, no experience necessary!

There will be an Astronomy Club meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11 after school in Room 114. We will be making Solar System bracelets. There will be drinks, snacks, and prizes. All are invited.

The Medical Club is having a meeting Thursday and Friday the 13th and 14th at 7:15 in the Library! On Thursday, Elizabeth LaTulippe, a Cincinnati Children’s Nurse, is coming to talk about her pathway to getting to where she is today. On Friday, Rachel, a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) from UC is coming in and bringing some equipment from the OR. Because of these meetings, the library will be closed on Thursday and Friday morning.

Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen—if you are currently NOT a student ambassador and are interested in becoming one for next year, watch for an email from MR today with an application and directions for submitting it.

Current ambassadors are reminded to submit your renewal form by Friday!

Happy Birthday today to: Christina Anderson, Briannabel Aulis Tiquet, Olivia Skipton, Maddison Stanley and Ava Stautberg

Today is a 4-bell day.

There will be an Astronomy Club meeting after school today in Room 114. We will be making Solar System bracelets. There will be drinks, snacks, and prizes. All are invited.

The Medical Club is having a meeting Thursday and Friday the 13th and 14th at 7:15 in the Library! On Thursday, Elizabeth LaTulippe, a Cincinnati Children’s Nurse, is coming to talk about her pathway to getting to where she is today. On Friday, Rachel, a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) from UC is coming in and bringing some equipment from the OR. Because of these meetings, the library will be closed on Thursday and Friday morning.

Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen—if you are currently NOT a student ambassador and are interested in becoming one for next year, watch for an email from MR today with an application and directions for submitting it.

Current ambassadors are reminded to submit your renewal form by Friday!

Sunday’s senior recognition concert was a charity event. Thanks to those of you who came to support our singing seniors! Points awarded are: O’Connell gets 1; Emmits earns 2; Cedar picks up 3 and Segale takes the 4!!!

Before we get ready to start the spring charity events, here are the house standings: Emmits has 50; Segale has 81 and Cedar and O’Connell are tied at 86!!

Watch for the spring charity events to be announced this week. The first one will be the March 31 Lacrosse game at the PAC!!!

And remember—the house that wins spirit day gets 8 points!!!

Happy Birthday today to: Mya Birkenhauer and Elizabeth Glassmeyer

Today is a 3-bell day with a 2:15 dismissal. See Mrs. Rowland’s Sunday email for assembly period directives.

In athletics, the varsity lacrosse team beat McNick in last night’s scrimmage, 19-1

Tech Club and Eco Club will be meeting tomorrow (3/13) after school in Mrs. Meese’s room! We will be working on an EcoAnalytics Competition. All are welcome, no experience necessary! We hope to see you there!

The medical club is having a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:15 in the Library! Elizabeth LaTulippe, a Cincinnati Children’s Nurse, is coming to talk about her pathway to getting to where she is today. Because of this meeting, the library will be closed tomorrow morning. On Friday morning, Rachel, a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) from UC is coming in and bringing some equipment from the OR.

The performance hall lobby on the ground floor will be closed during bell 6 and after school today. Please try to avoid the Glenway stairs. Thank you!

Happy Birthday today to: Addi Downing, Teresa Peters and Kaitlyn Rotte

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